Five Winning Traits for a Project Manager
The ability to multitask is a prized trait that is listed on basically every job advertisement out there. Multitasking and organization skills are necessities for Project Managers, but they’re also base level qualifications for anyone who hopes to reach any reasonable measure of success.
The following are six above-and-beyond characteristics that a Project Manager of any sized team must have for a company or organization to thrive.
Superior Communication Skills – Another trait that everyone claims to have but one that is essential for leaders and active managers in the trenches. PM’s need to be clear about goals, expectations, responsibilities, explanations, and feedback. There need to be open communication channels that go both ways. According to Product Management Job Descriptions – The Ultimate Guide, communication is important for project managers. To not just communicate to others but to actively listen is part of the equation that is frequently forgotten. Only sending out communiques and speeches is to talk at employees not with them, and soon these messages will start hitting brick walls.
Inspiration needs to be communicated beyond a stirring speech worthy of an orchestral score. The project manager or team leader also must be a go-between for the team and the upper management, and without the ability to communicate clearly above and below, there can be no organizational cohesion.
Comprehension of ERP Systems – Enterprise Resource Planning involves the integration of multiple sectors and functions of a business. Taking advantage of digital platforms such as IWI Consulting Group business management software like Sage Enterprise Management (formerly known as Sage X3) or Sage 300cloud (formerly known as Sage 300) to access data, coordinate, receive insights, produce workflows and reports, give employees access to pivotal information, and other primary functions can be complex. Working with consultants to tailor an ERP and CRM systems to suit a business or project makes the duties of a project manager more streamlined and efficient.
Delegation – A project manager needs to be able to know when to step back and delegate tasks to their team members. Micromanaging can only go so far. Part of this is hiring and properly onboarding quality personnel, and the other part is trusting them and allowing them to do their respective jobs without the PM constantly looming overhead or even trying to complete all the work themselves. Respecting and placing trust in others will also give them more confidence to adequately complete the task.
Integrity – You can be an effective communicator, be a pro at ERP systems, and delegate with confidence, but if you don’t have integrity, your team won’t trust in you. Your actions matter even more than your words. Behaving wisely and ethically and doing what is necessary and right for the business, its employees, and its customers makes a great leader. Rewarding others on the team for their integrity will build an environment that is easy to do what’s best beyond one’s self interest.
Empathy – There’s a popular idea floating around that leaders lack empathy and even need to lack it to be successful. But teams perform better when they are happier and valued as individuals and granted proper work-life balance and other benefits.
Closely aligned with communication and integrity, getting to know your employees and their professional and personal needs is necessary for them to perform well. A team member who is suffering isn’t going to meet goals, and more importantly, aren’t going to be happy in life. A project manager who can put themselves in others’ shoes and find applicable solutions is going to have a strong team.